Rapat Evaluasi Penagihan Tunggakan Pajak
Penajam (27/11) Kepala Seksi Pembukuan dan Penagihan didampingi Kasubag Tata Usaha menghadiri Rapat Evaluasi Penagihan Tunggakan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor.
Rapat yang dipimpin oleh Ibu Kabapenda Hj. Ismiati juga di hadiri oleh seluruh Kepala UPTD serta pejabat struktural yang ada di Bapenda Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan UPTD PPRD seluruh Kalimantan Timur.
It’s like you invited us to be a part of the discussion, making the complexities of tax collection understandable and relatable.
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The idea of having an evaluation meeting for collecting tax arrears is great. It shows a strong commitment to improving the tax system. By focusing on arrears, we can make sure everyone pays their fair share and help keep finances stable. Good job promoting responsible money management.